VKC Internal Grant Awards

Hobbs Discovery & Director’s Strategic Priorities Grants on blue and green background with molecules

The VKC recognizes the vital importance of supporting early-stage, innovative research in intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) that has the potential to have meaningful impact on people with IDD and their families. Oftentimes, such early-stage research needs initial seed funding to support the development of sufficient evidence in order to develop competitive applications for larger… Read more VKC Internal Grant Awards

TennesseeWorks celebrates 10 years

Participants at community converstations

TennesseeWorks celebrates 10 years The TennesseeWorks Partnership was launched in 2011 with the goal of increasing the number of young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are employed in Tennessee. In 2012, the VKC UCEDD received a federal grant from the Administration on Community Living to fund and grow the group’s reach. “TennesseeWorks became… Read more TennesseeWorks celebrates 10 years

Next Steps at Vanderbilt graduates join their peers at Commencement; Tammy Day retires

8 Next Steps at Vanderbilt graduates holding diplomas at ceremony

Next Steps at Vanderbilt celebrated 10 years in 2020 as the state’s first inclusive higher education program. The year also marked the first class of Next Steps at Vanderbilt students to graduate from its expanded four-year program. 2022 brought another significant milestone as eight Next Steps graduates became the first class to walk in the… Read more Next Steps at Vanderbilt graduates join their peers at Commencement; Tammy Day retires

Britt Henderson Training focuses on reading instruction and transition, adopts virtual model

woman doing school work with teen girl with Down syndrome

Thanks to the Bob and Carol Henderson family, who provided an endowment in memory of their son, Britt, the VKC continues to host annual workshops for local and state educators. The Britt Henderson Training Series (BHTS) is funded by an endowment, founded in 1996, that allows attendees to participate at no cost. The 2019-2020 workshops… Read more Britt Henderson Training focuses on reading instruction and transition, adopts virtual model

Pathfinder website overhaul and new partnerships

Image with dark green background, yellow bottom border with Pathfinder logo on top left and light green starburst points on right. Center of image is a computer monitor with a screenshot of Pathfinder’s new website. Mobile phone screen with Pathfinder’s website to right of monitor. Text “Directory of Services, Community Events Calendar, and Trainings for the Disability Community,” on bottom left. TNPathfinder.org on bottom right.

An overhaul of Tennessee Disability Pathfinder’s website makes it easier for people with disabilities, their families, and the broader community to find needed services. The statewide portal can now be found at TNPathfinder.org. Updated interactive features match users anywhere in Tennessee with disability resources, service providers, and community events. In addition to the website, individuals can… Read more Pathfinder website overhaul and new partnerships

Vanderbilt Consortium LEND: Trainees Past and Present

Evon Lee with six trainees at orientation [2022]

The Vanderbilt Consortium LEND Training Program prepares graduate-level health professionals in 15 professions – as well as family members and self-advocates – to assume leadership roles to serve children with neurodevelopmental and related disabilities. We asked past LEND trainees about how the program has impacted their careers and current trainees about what they’re learning now.… Read more Vanderbilt Consortium LEND: Trainees Past and Present

TRIAD partnership with the Tennessee Department of Education ongoing

Teacher giving lesson to her students

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD) was awarded two grant contracts by the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) in 2021 that have enabled the continuation of a 24-year partnership. The contracts are focused in the priority areas of autism and behavior and related free and appropriate public education.… Read more TRIAD partnership with the Tennessee Department of Education ongoing

Applied behavior analysis: Education, ethics, and new leadership

teacher and boy sitting at desk

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the most common therapy service provided to autistic children. While proponents of the practice point to the potential benefits of participating in ABA treatment, there are a growing set of concerns regarding ABA, including ethical concerns raised by self-advocates, advocates, and advocacy groups. TRIAD co-director Pablo Juárez, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA,… Read more Applied behavior analysis: Education, ethics, and new leadership